Tuesday, June 2, 2009



Weapons Found At Alleged White Supremacist's HomePITTSBURGH (KDKA) ―

Police say they found a cache of weapons at Hardy Lloyd's apartment in Crafton which was a probation violation.

Self-Proclaimed 'Anti-American Terrorist' Arrested (5/27/2009)
Notorious Racist Supports Police Killing Suspect (4/14/2009)
A local white supremacist is behind bars after he violated his parole.

Police say they found a cache of weapons at Hardy Lloyd's apartment in Crafton which was a probation violation.

Ron Seyko, from Allegheny County Probation, says they found seven pistols and three long guns.

Lloyd could face up to five years in prison.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Just a preview of what the month of April has to offer here. Opening dates are tentative, so check back often with your favorite drink and lots of popcorn because it promises to be a star-studded month. Oh...and remember to keep it down to a dull roar in the comment section - be kind to your neighbor.

Starring: William Luther Pierce; David Duke; Billy Roper; Kevin Alfred Strom; Erich Gliebe; and special guest spots by such notables as... The Order; Richard Butler; Timothy McVeigh; and, of course, Mommy Dearest. 4/06/09

Starring: William Luther Pierce; Jared Taylor; Jesse Helms; Kirk Lyons; and cameo appearances by David Duke; Trent Lott; Kenny Knight; Wayne Lutton; Don Black; et.al. 4/09/09

Starring: Mark Weber; Willis Carto; Wayne Lutton; John Tanton; J. Phillippe Rushton; David Irving; Kevin MacDonald; and various guest stars from the extremist right. 4/12/09

Starring: Henrik Holappa; John de Nugent; David Duke; Bill Fox; Don Black; and a special appearance by Homeland Security! 4/13/09

Starring: John de Nugent. The rest of the cast is just cursory and only serves as a backdrop for the "Man From the North." When you have de Nugent in a film there really isn't much rook for anyone else. You must see this documentary as the future of the white race and the United States depends solely upon him! 4/17/09

Starring: A spectacular array of Christians as you have never seen them before. This is a must see for all those who have never seen the bastardization of Christian beliefs. 4/25/09

As we said - a real blockbuster of a month heading your way.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just A Little Circle of Friends...Part II

The entirety of the White Supremacy/Neo-Nazi Movement has a history of avarice, lewdness, and abject depravity despite its' public claims of family and, sometimes Christian, values and morality. Additionally, the movement has been decimated time and again by its' own hypocrisy.

Amid the many reports of David Duke's sexual exploits with the ladies there were also rumors and accusations of homosexual activity. Tom Metzger, one of the most vocal and well recognized members of the extremist set spoke of Duke's close relationship with the Reverend James Warner, a Christian Identity anti-Semite who ran the New Christian Crusade Church out of St. Bernard Parrish in Louisiana.

Metzger claimed, " Duke ran with Warner and Warner took him on a tour of Hollywood gay bars in the 70’s. I personally think Duke is a closet Bi sexual for many reasons. So I am not shocked when I hear of a right winger being popped a some sex charge."

Metzger isn't the only one who has made such a claim against Duke. Warner was an active member of the American Nazi Party and has been shunned by many over the years for what some claim is his homosexual activities as well as being a transvestite.

This sort of thing is not unusual within the movement. Generally speaking, hundreds of people over the last few decades have been known homosexuals, pedophiles, or, for them even worse, Jews. Yet heads have been turned, evidence swept under the rug, and their stated believes compromised, at the very least. Only when it becomes public knowledge do they take the steps necessary to cast out or castigate the "unwanted" in their midst. Such is the way of the very needy hate-monger.

Among themselves they speculate and even laugh about what they know to be true of others sharing their table of hate. Matthais Koehl was well known among those in the NSWPP as a homosexual and speculation ran wild about the late Dr. William Luther Pierce.

The Dr. in front of William Luther Pierce was earned through a doctorate in physics conferred upon him in 1962. Upon this distinction, Pierce accepted and assistant professorship at Oregon State University and joined the John Birch Society which seems to have served as a conduit for many white supremacists and right-wing militants and extremists.

As the John Birch Society did not take up what Pierce believed most pressing - the question of the Jew - it quickly lost its' appeal to the professor and he moved on and began communicating with George Lincoln Rockwell, the Commander of the American Nazi Party. This ideology was much more in line with Pierces' Hitlerian belief system. After all, he had been raised by Southern Aristocracy in an era that ingrained racism and anti-Semitism into the souls of many people.

In 1965, Pierce and his wife moved to Connecticut where he spent a year as a senior research scientist. This wasn't particularly satisfying and he finally quit. That would be the last real paying job that Pierce would ever have.

He took a non-paying position editing "The National Socialist World" for Rockwell's group. Apparently, Dr. Pierce enjoyed being with his ideological peers and his academic prowess would soon lead him on a journey that would become his life's work.

In 1967, George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated by one of his own and William Luther Pierce moved up the ladder.

Matthais Koehl declared that Rockwell had named him as his hand-picked successor in the event of his death and he began referring to himself as "Deputy Commander Koehl," a title that no one had ever heard prior to the highly controversial Rockwell assassination.

On the night of the murder it was rumored and later pretty much confirmed that Pierce and Robert Lloyd, the second in command broke into Rockwell's safe and destroyed his political testament.

At this point, Pierce, Koehl, and Lloyd now shared equally in the total ownership of the NSWPP and the handwriting was on the wall. The ideological differences between Pierce and Koehl heralded the chasm that was soon to develop.

Koehl won the majority of the votes of those present in Arlington immediately following Rockwell's death. However, just as members across the U.S. were shocked and outraged over the murder of their leader, many were stunned by Koehl's ascent to the top. Koehl's reputation preceded him.

Pierce was a quiet, seemingly reserved, and somewhat quirky individual who maintained social distance from most of the others. This often gained him the reputation of being aloof or "untouchable." Such is often the case with those who roam the halls of academia.

While there were rumors about Pierce's sexual proclivities, he was respected by many of the more erudite or learned within the party for his insight and writing skills. As was the case with most who worked toward the cause of white revolution, Pierce was always armed. He was well-known for being somewhat of a physical wimp so it can only be concluded that he compensated with his mental acuity and an equalizer.

It wasn't long before Koehl began to shut Pierce out. He banned Pierce from the party and a tense stand-off of armed "friends" ensued as Lloyd and others chose their sides. Eventually, Pierce moved on taking Lloyd and other loyalists with him.

Dr. William Luther Pierce was not only smart but confident and cagey as well. He knew what it would take to build an organization that could impact American policy, politics, and power-brokers and to catapult his zest for racial revolution into the mainstream.

First it would take numbers - like-minded individuals who could be groomed and schooled to recruit large numbers of white youth into whatever organization he built.

It would require a massive program of education and indoctrination of American minds - which meant media - all kinds of media.

It would have to entail running political candidates and being successful in endorsing and placing more white nationalists in high offices around the country.

It would necessitate militancy and deception to create the revolution that he envisioned.

But, most importantly, it would take money - and lots of that.

In 1968, the country was in turmoil. Tensions were at an all-time high as frustrations over the Viet-Nam War boiled over and Civil Rights were being bitterly fought for. U.S. citizens were sharply divided over the issues. Everyone had a deep-rooted opinion and the chasm of right versus left became even more profound.

Racial segregationist and former Governor of Alabama, George Wallace, had thrown his hat into the ring of Presidential hopefuls and the lines of prejudice were etched permanently in the minds and hearts of generations to come.

Pierce, with an agenda, joined his friend, Willis Carto, who had just founded the Youth For Wallace group and who had a bankroll to boot.

For Carto, just a few years Pierces' senior, race was destiny. Heavily influenced in his younger years by Francis Parker Yockey, a paranoid and fragmented fascist and Nazi sympathizer who demonized the Jews.

Willis Carto, always somewhat of a shadowy figure, also knew what it would take to influence public opinion. Like Pierce, he did a short stint in the John Birch Society where it is reported that he stole their membership list, (it must have been a fetish.)

As the battle over Civil Rights was being played out in this country, there were those still embroiled in the pseudoscience of eugenics, struggling to prove racial superiority and to further their beliefs in the production of the master race.

In August 1935, Wickliffe Preston Draper traveled to Berlin to attend the International Congress for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems. Draper was a strict segregationist and major supporter of eugenics. Accordingly, during his trip, as reported on Wikipedia, "Presiding over the conference was Wilhelm Frick, the Reichminister of the Interior. (Frick was hanged in 1946 for his crimes against humanity.) At the conference, Draper's travel companion Dr. Clarence Campbell delivered an oration that concluded with the words: "The difference between the Jew and the Aryan is as unsurmountable [sic] as that between black and white. … Germany has set a pattern which other nations must follow. … To that great leader, Adolf Hitler." Three years later, when Draper paid to print and disseminate a book titled White America, a personal copy was delivered to Reichminister Frick.

"In 1937, Draper founded the Pioneer Fund, a foundation intended to give scholarships to descendants of White colonial-era families, and to support research into "race betterment" through eugenics. The scholarships were never given, but the first project of the Fund was to distribute two documentary films from Nazi Germany depicting their claimed success with eugenics (though years before the Holocaust and its eventual public disclosure, Germany's eugenic policies were still very controversial for their far-reaching scope and often coercive public policies). The Pioneer Fund was headed by the controversial eugenicist Harry H. Laughlin, known especially for his role in the establishment of restrictive immigration laws and paving the way for national programs of compulsory sterilization of the mentally ill and mentally retarded."

The Pioneer Fund has been a controversial foundation awarding grants and funds to a consortium of extremists for the last several decades. One of the reicpients of Draper's early beneficence was none other than Willis Carto.

Many of Draper's donations were successfully made under the radar and did not come to public light until decades later. During the 1960's he made contributions to various groups advocating the repatriation of African-Americans as well as to the Mississippi State Soverignty Commission to support racial segreation.

The Youth for Wallace group attracted the attention of many prominent individuals just as the George Wallace campaign was becoming the breeding ground for future racist and extremists in our political system. William Pierce's mother hadn't raised any dummy and he knew that traveling in the circles of such notable individuals could do nothing but help him in his endeavors.

Willis Carto was already making himself well-known and ingratiating himself to some very heavy hitters. Recognizing that being a conservative is much more acceptable than being a Nazi or a racist or an anti-Semite, Carto tried to foist another of his groups, the Liberty Lobby, off on mainstream America as nothing more than a conservative political organization. Nothing could have been further from the truth.
In October of 1966, journalists, Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson, published a series of stories that reported the findings of a former employee, Jeremy Horne. "Horne said he had discovered a box of correspondence between Carto and numerous government officials establishing the Joint Council of Repatriation (JCR), a forerunner organization to the Liberty Lobby. The JCR stated that their fundamental purpose was to "repatriate" blacks "back to Africa". Ex-Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Tom Brady and various members of the White Citizens' Councils who had worked to established the JCL, also contributed to the founding of the Liberty Lobby. Other correspondence referred to U.S. Congressional support for the emerging Liberty Lobby, such as from South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond Califfornia Congressman James Utt."

The White Citizens Council was nothing more than a suit and tie rendition of the Ku Klux Klan wielding political and economical clout throughout the South. It later metamophosed into what is now known as the Council of Conservative Citizens of which we will have much more to say in the coming installments.
Willis Carto has gone on to become one of the most prominent figures in promoting anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the world today and is worthy of a complete expose on his life alone. This is something that will be undertaken in the near future.

Dr. William Luther Pierce knew that Carto was the vehicle through which to advance his own program - his own pathway to a white tomorrow. The contacts and the funds which came with being aligned with Carto were valuable, but the membership lists in Carto's possession were pure gold and it wasn't long before Pierce had precisely those in his hands.

Not only are there strange bedfellows in politics, but there are even stranger associations within the neo-Nazi subculture the relevenacy of which will not be lost on the reader in Part III. While the ideology is aberrant and the innerworkings often violent, the truth lies on the money trail.

To be continued...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just A Little Circle of Friends

Just A Little Circle of Friends...
(Forty Years of Deception Still Alive and Well)
By Nicole Nichols
March 25, 2009

Old adages such as "Birds of a feather flock together, " or "You are judged by the company you keep" often have been proven to have exceptions, yet they still hold true in many situations and maybe more so in the White Supremacy Movement.

I have written countless articles chronicling the sleazy side of the neo-Nazi's in the United States and have often noted what appears to be a disproportionate propensity toward domestic violence, child abuse or neglect, adultery, promiscuity, and pornography. Additionally, I have frequently pointed out the lack of loyalty to each other among members of this group.

A few years ago, I started asking questions and pointing out what I believed to be some rather interesting relationships among a certain group of people, all operating together, to further an agenda of hate, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and genocide. As the years have passed, those relationships have become even more suspect in the mind of this writer. As is evidenced and well chronicled, the White Supremacy Movement has largely been factionalized for the last forty years. Yet there are many commonalities between the factions. Indeed, the ties often cross ideological lines and move into the realms of religion, revisionism, and politics. Because these groups pose a danger to the very fabric of American society, it behooves us to know where their support base is and who really finances racism, anti-Semitism, and bigotry in the United States and abroad. It is also important that the hypocrisy and deception of those leading the movement be explored and exposed to all who hold an interest in knowing the truth. In order to bring this all into perspective, a little history of these people must be told. As we move through the tawdry and violent world of hate we will demonstrate the true nature of those leaders from the past as well as those attempting to weave their way into the mainstream today.

In 1974, twenty-four-year old David Duke formed the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was running roughshod in Louisiana. Needing money for many of his white power endeavors, Duke published a book under the name of Dorothy Vanderbilt entitled "Finders Keepers." It was a women's self-help book giving advice on vaginal exercises, fellatio, and anal sex.

Also in 1974, he had married Chloe Hardin with whom he had two children. Chloe was active in Duke's Klan group but after ten years together, Hardin divorced Duke and moved to Florida where she met and married one of David's Klan buddies, Don Black who is now the Stormfront guru.

As a teen, Duke began communicating with Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the infamous National Alliance and author of the "Turner Diaries." For many years the Alliance was considered the largest and most formidable hate group in America. It spawned numerous future leaders of racist and anti-Semitic groups nationwide.

David Duke was somewhat of an anomaly within the movement at that time. With his proclamation that he was going to change the face of the Klan, he was able to recruit others such as Louis Beam, Don Black, and Tom Metzger into this radicalization from sheets to suits.

While Duke believed in the rhetoric he was spewing, he was unable to control his own ego and appetites. He had found a way to appease his own need for recognition and his penchant for a lavish lifestyle - he became a professional racist - a con man.

Membership lists are the lifeblood of white supremacist organizations. These rosters are necessary to building, maintaining and financing their groups and their activities. Because of the unsavory nature of the beliefs and the endeavors of such groups, members generally prefer to remain anonymous and they rely upon the leaders to maintain their privacy.

Duke knew the importance of these lists and he set out to build his own database of like-minded people and potential contributors - by any means necessary.

Now, Duke wasn't above unscrupulous behaviors. After all, he had expenses to meet and an agenda. In 1972, he was arrested for pocketing $500 in contributions that were meant for the campaign coffers of George Wallace so stealing and selling membership lists was no big deal. Stealing the membership from the National Alliance was easy.

By the latter half of the 1970's, his womanizing had become legendary. The Rev. Johnny Lee Clary, former Kluxer and bodyguard to Duke turned anti-racist, related to one reporter how Duke would wave the Bible around preaching Christian values and then take a members' wife to bed.

Never mind that Duke was the married father of two, Tom Metzger, a long-time racist leader, spoke of how Duke would arrive at various events and begin hitting on women. "We used to tell people, 'When Duke comes to town make sure your wife is safely locked up and don't let him near your daughter,'" said Metzger.

John Maginnis, author of "Cross to Bear," a profile of David Duke, recounted the story of a legislative aide who had lunch with Duke. "He started explaining to me that blonde, blue-eyed, Scandinavian looking people were God's chosen people, that they were made in his image. He said that God didn't want to dilute this perfection so we should only mate with others of our kind. He then asked me if I wanted to mate with him. It was the weirdest come-on line I've ever heard."

One of Duke's former girlfriends, Lori Eden, a swimsuit and lingerie model who owned and operated her own adult website, claimed that at one point in their relationship she believed herself to be pregnant. Duke, who is a strong pro-life advocate, offered to take her to Paris where they could get the "abortion pill" which was not legal in this country. According to Eden, Duke said he had been through this kind of thing before and feared that the publicity would ruin him politically.

David Duke didn't work. He ran his political campaigns, the proceeds of which he lived off of. He duped his supporters into believing that their contributions were helping him save the white race. And he lived large - nose job, chin implant, houses, babe on each arm, limos to the casinos and money to burn - other people's money. According to those close enough to know, a typical day for Duke would find him sleeping late, checking the mail for money, playing golf, going to the gym, and then heading for the casino at night.

Eventually, it all caught up with him, however. In 2003, Duke was sentenced to a short stint in federal prison for raising funds under false pretenses (mail fraud) and lying on his tax forms.

Vince Breeding - real name, Bruce Alan Breeding - was Duke's right hand man for a number of years. To those who knew of his background this should have seemed like a strange union - at least on the surface. While Duke favored the clean-cut image with impeccable dress and spouted Christian values, Breeding was playing guitar in a black metal band called Acheron that was Satanic to the core. The leader of the group was Vincent Crowley, reported an ordained "priest" in Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. He moonlighted in a striptease club in the Tampa Bay area.

In 1994, Breeding joined Dr. Pierce's National Alliance and became very active in promulgating their message of racism and anti-Semitism. He produced an underground radio show out of Tampa on which he broadcast Dr. Pierce's American Dissident Voices 24/7. When his radio signal began to interfere with the broadcasts of other local radio stations, citizens in the area started to complain to which he often responded with threats of violence and promises to never cease. Eventually, he was shut down.

Vince Breeding was certainly no Mr. Nice Guy. His associations alone were cause for many to raise their eyebrows and keep him at arms length. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that during 1997, while Breeding was organizing events featuring Holocaust denier David Irving and the chameleonic David Duke he was sharing an apartment with Todd Vanbiber, another member of Pierce's National Alliance.

In January of 1996, Vanbiber and friend, Brian Pickett, robbed the Barnett Bank in Tampa. A month later they robbed the New Milford Savings and Loan in Danbury, Conn. After the Danbury robbery they paid Dr. Pierce a visit where they donated $1000.00 of their booty to the cause and purchased $700.00 in books from the Alliance.

In April of 1997, as he was assembling an 8-inch pipe bomb, capped at both ends, it blew up in Vanbiber's face causing serious injury. When the ATF searched his storage unit, they found several weapons, ammunition, and munitions manufacturing guides.

According to the authorities, "fourteen bombs were to be placed along two major routes in the Florida tourist capital: Interstate 4, the major access highway to Walt Disney World, and U.S. Highway 441."

Several of the bombs had already been fully assembled. Some had been prepared with timing devices, batteries, timers, and clocks. They had initially planned the bombing for April 19, the second anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing before a change in plans.

While Breeding was not officially implicated in his roommate's bombing escapade, he was busily setting up websites to further the National Alliance's bid for new recruits.

As Breeding maintained his membership in the National Alliance and worked dilligently to bolster their rank and file, his relationship with David Duke began to blossom. In 1999, Breeding launched the Nationalist News Service which operated out of Don Black's internet group, Stormfront.

The National Alliance was big and becoming bigger. Their Resistance Records enterprise was becoming a cash cow for the N.A. and Dr. Pierce, and the envy of other hate groups around the world. When Vince Breeding stole the mailing list of the white power music organization, his relationship with Dr. Pierce was severed instantly. We can only speculate as to who enticed Breeding into such an act.

Once he had burned that bridge he and the membership list traveled to Louisiana where he moved in with Duke and became his lackey. Actually, they suited each other quite well. Both had a penchant for money and life in the fast lane. Both were unprincipled. And both had honed their ability to con and scam their way through life.

After numerous name changes, Duke's organization settled on being known as the European American Unity and Rights Organization or EURO. Breeding, using the name of Vince Edwards, ran Duke's website and enhanced Duke's presence on the web. Both maintained their ties with Duke's other acolyte, Don Black, who had already built an amazing white power base on the internet.

Shortly after David Duke was sentenced to 15 months in prison, in 2003, a bombshell was dropped on the white nationalist community when it was revealed that Vince Breeding, a.k.a. Vince Edwards, a.k.a. Bruce Allen Breeding, was also "Vince the Munkay" who was anything but a white supremacist.

Vince the "Munkay" traipsed around at a party in sunglasses and a furry, floor length coat proclaiming, "You will learn to respect the dark powers of the Munkay," while promoting his "Xsite" magazine and website.

Both the rag and the site advertised "Ebony Escorts" as well as mother-daughter sex acts, and gay, lesbian and bisexual dating services.

As Breeding's alter-ego, "The Munkay" came to light one could only wonder how much about all of this was known to Pierce, Duke, Black, et.al. They knew. To think otherwise is inconceivable denial.

During Duke's incarceration, Don Black managed to keep him at the forefront with his Stormfront website. Periodic updates were always available as well as nauseating lamentations about the unjust system that kept him from his followers.

Black grew up during a time of civil unrest and turmoil in this country and he chose to become a movement in his own right. During his high school years he decided that his high school was the perfect place to recruit others into his efforts to save the white race from what was surely to be its extinction. He began by handing out flyers and newspapers containing information on the dire straits of his people. Of course, school administrators determined that this was unacceptable and banned all political propaganda from school grounds.

This was a challenge to Black. He knew he had to get creative so he garnered a mailing list of students and began sending his message through the mail. By the time he was a Junior, he had set his eye on the political machine. He knew where he was going. Politics - that's where he could do the most good to keep his beloved South and his country to stay segregated along racial lines.

J.D. Stoner, a staunch segregationist and leader of the National States' Rights Party was running for Governor of Georgia and Don Black decided to help in his campaign.

Now, Black was in training in the National Socialist Youth Movement which was a branch of the National Socialist White People's Party. For those unfamiliar, the NSWPP had been formerly called the American Nazi Party until George Lincoln Rockwell changed the name shortly before his assassination.

Robert Lloyd was the second in command of the NSWPP and, by many accounts, he had been Rockwell's pick as his successor over the current leader at the time, Matt Koehl. (Koehl now heads up a neo-Nazi outfit known as "The New Order." He was also a member of Stoner's National States' Rights Party). It's important to note that Robert Lloyd and William Luther Pierce were tight and rumor has it that Lloyd and Pierce broke into the safe of Rockwell and destroyed his political testament.

Knowing that they had a young, eager-beaver in the Stoner campaign, Robert Lloyd instructed Don Black to steal the membership list of the National States' Rights Party from Stoners' office, no doubt assuring him that such a deed would ingratiate him to the powers that be. Black was only too happy to accommodate.

What the 16-year-old didn't plan on was the vehemence with which Stoners' followers protected his files. As Don was lifting the roster out of the office, he was met with a .38- caliber hollow point to the chest. The gun was fired by Jerry Ray, brother of James Earl Ray. Jerry Ray beat the charges by claiming that he believed Black to be reaching for a weapon and fired in self-defense. Of course, it didn't help that Black was is in the process of committing a serious crime.

After college, Don Black hooked up with David Duke and began helping in the recruitment process as well as in Duke's political campaigns. The charlatanistic Duke schooled the young man in his beliefs that supremacy should be promoted as nationalism and that sheets should be traded for suits. The public persona was, of course, to always be quite different than the private.

In 1981, Don Black, along with nine other white supremacists tried their hands at becoming mercenaries. They were caught in the middle of trying to execute a planned coup that they dubbed "Operation Red Dog." The men were to leave out of a New Orleans marina and stage an offensive take-over of the small island of Dominica. They would do this with eight machine guns, ten shotguns, five rifles, ten handguns, ten pounds of dynamite, 5,496 rounds of ammunition, and a large Nazi flag.

When arrested, they were charged with "seeking to create a drug, gambling, and offshore banking empire on the island republic." Black made the following statement before being sentenced to three years in prison for violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act:

"What we were doing was in the best interest of the United States and its security in the hemisphere and we feel betrayed by our government."

Our federal prisons' rehabilitation services were made available to Mr. Black during his time there and he certainly put them to use. In some ways, you could say that that those services created a monster. Black immersed himself in computer programming classes and upon his release he knew he had a future.

First, he ran for a U.S. Senate seat - quite unsuccessfully. He also married the former Chole Duke - David Duke's ex-wife.

Black started experimenting with the internet. He quickly realized the potential the World Wide Web held for recruiting and networking with like-minded people the world over. The sheer anonymity that the net offered was compelling. His experimentation led to his creation of Stormfront in 1995. Stormfront has served as an umbrella and clearing house under which people from various hate groups and supremacy persuasions have been able to congregate, share information, and publish ideas for the last fourteen years. It has also served as a money-making enterprise for Don Black.

While Black left the Klan, he did not leave Duke or his organization. Quite the contrary. Through Stormfront, Black has provided a venue and a forum from which Duke can mentor and influence others in his endeavors.

It is important for the reader that we pause at this juncture and reflect upon a few pertinent truisms that might not be evident at this point. The three individuals profiled so far have some obvious commonalities.

All three have been extremely influential in the movement for decades. All three became involved in racist and anti-Semitic activities at a very young age. All three have made their livelihoods from the movement and illicit exploits. All three possess many of the same character flaws - amorality, criminal minds, and disloyalty. What may not be as evident is their recruitment and the influence of others sharing membership in certain groups.

Throughout the discussion thus far one name emerges time and time again - that of Dr. William Luther Pierce and his organization, the National Alliance. Accordingly, as is still the case today, cross-participation in various groups was not unheard of. As we progress through this look at our little circle of friends the reader is asked to keep in mind the names of certain individuals and organizations so as to be able to make the connections between them.

While names and acronyms such as the National Socialist White People's Party (NSWPP) or the National States' Rights Party (NSRP) may be confusing or even alien to the reader, it is important to grasp the scope of the ties that one has to the other.

Regardless of how baseless or unfounded the beliefs of the racist right seem to mainstream Americans, the truth is that many of the followers deeply buy into the rhetoric spewed by the leaders of these organizations. As you have seen, so far, membership lists are among the coveted assets of these groups largely because of the financial benefits. But, hate, to people like Pierce and Duke and Black is also a business. It is their job - their way of making a living.

Book sales, white-power music sales, speaking engagements, and member donations all help them to line the pockets of their organizations and themselves. But, there's more...much more. Political ties and palm-greasings are important and very necessary as well as friends in very high places.

As we move on to a few other note-worthy individuals, please note the not-so-complex web of companions that has suckered in the unsuspecting and the implications for the future that such pernicious bedfellows holds for all of us.

To Be Continued...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Teens In Peril in Cinnaminson

Cinnaminson, New Jersey is a small town of about 15,000 people bordering the Delaware River and just outside of Philadelphia. Ninety-one percent white, Cinnaminson derives its' name from the Native American Lenni Lenape tribe which loosely translated meand "sweet water." The township itself is just 8 miles sqaure and claims the following, "The Township of Cinnaminson is a community of families, neighbors and businesses. Taking our name from the Lenni-Lenape Tribe, we are the place where fresh waters and fresh ideas flow. We pride ourselves on an effective education system, on neighbors who care about our homes and one another and a well-run local government dedicated to serving citizens fairly and economically." But there is trouble brewing in Cinnaminson these days and we hope they can get a handle on it.

Last week, two teenagers were arrested in Cinnaminson after it was discovered that they had tortured, shot, and buried a beautiful black Labrador. Upon investigation, the police found hate literature and the boys claimed to be members of the Aryan Nations. Charges brought against the young men include animal cruelty, weapons possession in connection with the killing, committing a crime on behalf of a criminal street gang and solicitation of another to join a criminal street gang.

According to the news report, there are other juveniles who are believed to be part of this gang and the police will be working with the local school district to identify and curtail their activities in that area.

Considering the fact that both New Jersey and Pennsylvania have become hotbeds for skinheads and other racist groups, it probably should not come as any big surprise that there are groups such as these operating in the suburbs of major cities. It is troubling, however, that these groups are recruiting children so young and gaining footholds with our schools.

Due to the many arrests and convictions of leaders within the White Supremacy Movement over the last few years, paranoia has caused many adherents to build small cell groups or engage in lone wolf type activities. Targeting our young people has always been at the top of their list. This is what makes it so necessary for educators, law-enforcement and parents to educate themselves on the signs to watch for and any effective tactics to use to prevent the hate-filled message of these groups from tainting the innocence of our children.

It's Spring, folks - and the activity of hate-groups promises to be heating up.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


FBI, police rescue child prostitutes around US
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Featured Topics: Barack Obama Presidential Transition WASHINGTON – The FBI has rescued 48 suspected teenage prostitutes, some as young as 13 years old, in a nationwide sweep to remove kids from the illegal sex trade and punish their accused pimps.

Over a three-night initiative called Operation Cross Country, federal agents working with local law enforcement also arrested more than 571 suspects on a variety of federal and state prostitution-related charges, the bureau said.

The teenage prostitutes found in the investigation ranged in age from 13 to 17.

"We may not be able to return their innocence but we can remove them from this cycle of abuse and violence," said FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Meanwhile, in Memphis, Tenn., a man pleaded guilty Monday to federal civil rights charges for sex trafficking in minors. Leonard Fox faces at least 10 years in prison after admitting that he arranged for underaged girls to engage in sex for money.

"To sexually prey upon young girls in this manner for financial gain is particularly damaging to the victims and an affront to the society in which we live," said Loretta King, acting head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.

Historically, federal authorities rarely play a role in anti-prostitution crackdowns, but the FBI is becoming more involved as it tries to rescue children caught up in the business.

"The goal is to recover kids. We consider them the child victims of prostitution," said FBI Deputy Assistant Director Daniel Roberts.

"Unfortunately, the vast majority of these kids are what they term 'throwaway kids,' with no family support, no friends. They're kids that nobody wants, they're loners. Many are runaways," Roberts said.

Most of the children are put into the custody of local child protection agencies.

Agents in cities from Miami to Chicago to Anchorage, Alaska took part in the operation.

Special Agent Melissa Morrow of the FBI's Washington office said the operation has put them on the trail of a particular 16-year-old prostitute they still haven't found.

Adult prostitutes arrested during the operation provided key tips about the girl, the agent said.

"She is currently 16 and started when she was 13. Now she is out there recruiting other juveniles as well," said Morrow, adding that finding the girl is "at the top of our list."

The federal effort is also designed to hit pimps with much tougher prison sentences than they would likely get in state criminal courts.

Government prosecutors look to bring racketeering charges or conspiracy charges that can result in decades of jail time.

"Some of these networks of pimps and their organizations are very sophisticated, they're interstate," said Roberts, requiring wiretaps and undercover sting operations to bring charges.

The weekend's roundup marked the third such Operation Cross Country, and is part of a broader federal program launched in 2003 to crack down on the sexual exploitation of children.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Cold Shot with Nicole Nichols will return at 7 PM Eastern Time. Topics to include the following...

'The Republican Party Can Go To Hell!"

David Duke, washed-up, aging, and pissed claims he will start a revolution and take millions with him. Nicole Nichols has some very definite ideas about Duke's most recent tirade and about Duke, himself.

The New Jersey Bastard, Hal Turner, just isn't getting enough attention. He's broke. He's alone. He needs some more gullible Nazi's. So...he's trying to make a comeback.

Nikki has more than just a few things to say about this insipid little man who belongs in a jail cell alongside Bill White. Does he operate on the Fed's dime? Tune in to hear what she has to say about his latest bid for attention.

Tell us that's not a school bus he is leaning on! If it is - we want to know what district!

Kevin Alfred Strom, with a penchant for "shockingly young girls," is out of prison on his child porn charges and trying to ingratiate himself back into the white nationalist fold. How "needy" are the Nazi's? Will they embrace the man who pled guilty to these insidious acts? Nikki takes a look at what they are saying and what he is up to.

Sleeze balls abound among the neo-Nazi's. It seems that they just seem to attract more than their share of twisted and defective human beings. Dmitri Sklyarov qualifies on all counts.

Nikki discusses the psychosis which seems to run rampant among the racist right and what Dmitri did in court as well as what he did to get there in the first place.

Nikki wants to know what you think:

Can Obama change the way Washington does business?
Can this administration end the current financial crisis?
Will the recovery plan work?
Is bipartisanship possible?
Has Obama tried to do too much too soon?

Is America REALLY the greatest country on Earth?

TUNE IN - WEDNESDAY - 2/04/09 AT 7:00 EST



Sunday, February 1, 2009



Seven Arrested in Beating of Richmond UPS Worker

RICHMOND, Calif. (KCBS/CBS 5) -- Seven people were arrested Saturday in connection with an attack on a UPS employee in Richmond that police are calling a hate crime.
Brandon Manning, who unloads boxes on the overnight shift at a UPS distribution center in Richmond, says he left work early last Saturday and was trying to hitch a ride home when his attackers approached him at a gas station in Pinole.

He says a group of young white men acted friendly and offered him a ride home. He says they were drinking and instead took him to Lamoine Park where he was then attacked.

Manning says his attackers shouted racial slurs as they beat him, causing six fractures to the side of his face.

A Richmond police officer took a report but it was not filed for several days because of a clerical error.

A spokesman for the Richmond police department said that once the error was brought to the department's attention by a member of Manning's family, police acted quickly and the seven men were taken into custody.

The Richmond branch of the NAACP says the lag time in reporting the crime is unacceptable and will investigate why the officer's report was delayed.